Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is rain getting more or less acidic?

Thank god. After 2 years of studying chemistry, I assume the only to measure the acidity of acid rain is the pH . The pH of rain depends on two things: the presence of acid-forming substances such as sulphates, and the availability of acid-neutralizing substances such as calcium and magnesium salts. Clean rain has a pH value of about 5.6. By comparison, vinegar has a pH of 3... I think :) Besides, FYI reductions in the acidity of acid rain are due to reductions in emissions of SO

Well, if you guys know any other ways to measure the acidity of acid rain please kindly inform us.

1 comment:

  1. Actually pH depends on the presence of Hydrogen ions. The more Hydrogen ions there is, the more acidic the solution is.
