Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh no, don't die!

What happens to the fish?

There are many ways the acidification of lakes, rivers and streams harm fish. Mass fish mortalities occur (during the spring snow melt which never happen in MALAYSIA) when highly acidic pollutants-that have built up in the snow over the winter-begin to drain into common waterways. Such happenings have been well documented for salmon and trout in Norway.

More often, fish gradually disappear from these waterways as their environment slowly becomes intolerable. Some kinds of fish such as smallmouth bass, walleye, brook trout and salmon, are more sensitive to acidity than others and tend to disappear first.

Even those species that appear to be surviving may be suffering from acid stress in a number of different ways. One of the first signs of acid stress is the failure of females to spawn. Sometimes, even if the female is successful in spawning the hatchlings or fry are unable to survive in the highly acidic waters. This explains why some acidic lakes only have older fish in them. A good catch of adult fish in such a lake could mislead an angler into thinking that all is well.

Other effects of acidified lakes on fish include: decreased growth, inability to regulate their own body chemistry, reduced egg deposition, deformities in young fish and increased susceptibility to naturally occurring diseases.

After all the boring details, i would like to end this post by share my knowledge with all viewers. When fishes suffer, we suffer as well. Not long ago, Japanese encounter health problem. The cause of the sickness is the raw fish they ate were clean. Inside the fish they found substances like sulphate, mercury and etc.

Sad. can u imagine the days without sashimi? OMG~

Is rain getting more or less acidic?

Thank god. After 2 years of studying chemistry, I assume the only to measure the acidity of acid rain is the pH . The pH of rain depends on two things: the presence of acid-forming substances such as sulphates, and the availability of acid-neutralizing substances such as calcium and magnesium salts. Clean rain has a pH value of about 5.6. By comparison, vinegar has a pH of 3... I think :) Besides, FYI reductions in the acidity of acid rain are due to reductions in emissions of SO

Well, if you guys know any other ways to measure the acidity of acid rain please kindly inform us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Tree of Hope

I present to you The Tree of Hope!!!

And Yes of course it look fantastic!
Wonderfully exhibited in our Gallery.
Built by the hearts of FNBE students
who spent sleepless hours to finish it.
Guided by two most important lecturers:
Mr Charles and Pn. Nor.

-What is it all about???-
The Tree of Hope is the tree that helps solve numerous issues
that were thought by the students of FNBE.
Acid Rain, Poverty, Global Warming, Polution and many more!
Each items were the key solutions to solve each environment issue.
Acid rain

The rain of emotions that runs rampant
The rain that robs humanity of shelter,
It plagues the rose of my happiness,
The acid burns and blisters my mother nature,
Kills the free animals of peace and releases the animals of chaos and destruction,
As it pours and pours like tear drops from an angry Goddess,
It runs a mock of our Mother Nature robbing her beauty and splendor,
Leaving nothing to adore,
Leaving pain and sorrow to be harvested by the guilt of man,
Mother nature and man may have differences,
But through long experiences,
There will be no consequences,
There is no victory without sacrifice,
But have no fear your children’s children will live in a world free of acid rain,
Where there will be a million smiles Across half a million miles,

By Isa Augustine Adaeiza…and yes black people write poems…don’t be shocked

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Save>> Petrol; Cure>> Acid Rain!!

GG < Save petrol to cure acid rain?? How???

CC < Geez.. Dont use car!

GG < Then i cant go to work!

CC < Use public transport then.

GG < I dont like public transport! I hate to walk all the way to the bus station and throw away my lovely 30 minutes for a god damn bus to arrive...

CC < Be grateful that ur saving the environment! Acid Rain is baad for us. Burning of petrol will only emit more carbon and sulphur particles to the atmosphere. Sulphur particles like sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide are sources of Acid Rain!

GG < You freaky lil Mother Nature lover...What is exactly we are trying to archieve here..

CC < We are trying to save Mother Nature! Do you know that avoiding high speeds on open roads results in safer driving and better fuel economy. In highway driving, more than 50% of the power produced by the engine is used to overcome aerodynamic drag. and thus fuel consumption increases rapidly at speeds above 90km/h.

GG < Uh Huh..

CC < On the average, a car uses about 15% more fuel at 100km/h, and 25% more fuel at 110km/h compared to when it is doing only 90km/h. However, this does not conclude that the lower the speed, the better the fuel economy - because it is not. The petrol consumption of an average car will increases sharply at speeds below 50km/h. So, it is best to drive in between 60-90 km/h.

GG < Oh Com' on... I was late for my meeting back then...

CC > Serves you right. And i bet you always idle your car while waiting for DD to get dressed up for your date.

GG > No.. Sometimes i parked my car around the corner..

CC < Oh reaally... If you are going to be idling for more than 5 minutes, you should switch off your engine. Idling more than a minute consumes much more fuel than restarting the engine. By having it switched off, you will save more petrol than is lost from the burst of petrol in restarting the engine.

GG < Oooo.. Wow... Thats amazing.. I feel enlighten...

CC < U should be.. Moreover, anticipation of traffic condition ahead can reduce petrol consumption up to 10% by adjusting the speed accordingly. It take up as much as 6 times more petrol to move a car from a dead stop than it does for one moving at just a few km/h. And i know you would tailgate every single car just to reach your destination on time.

GG < Im trying to tailgate the car so that other people wont cut in my lane.

CC < Letting them cutting into your lane wont hurt..

GG < It does..

CC < No it wont.. Another last reminder on how to save petrol. Remember to inflate your tires properly, check your tire pressures at least once a week. Research by the RAC Foundation shows that 20% under inflation (typically 6psi) can increase your fuel consumption by 3%, reducing tires life by 30% . So deal with it. Save petrol. Cure Acid Rain.

GG < Sigh.. Alright...

Reference :

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


  1. Acid rain can increase the acidity of lakes, dams and streams and cause the death of aquatic life.
  2. Acid rain can increase the acidity of soil, water and shallow groundwater.
  3. Acid rain has been linked with the death of trees in Europe and North America. In spite of a great deal of research, no one yet knows exactly how acid rain harms forests. Most of the forests of Europe consist of huge areas of one tree species. This encourages the spread of plant pests and diseases. It seems likely that acid rain weakens the trees, perhaps helped by other pollutants such as ozone, and then leaves the trees open to attack by disease. Acid rain also disrupts the availability of soil nutrients. The final death of a tree may result from a combination of stresses such as heat, cold, drought, nutrient disruption and disease. It seems that the slow-growing, longer lived forests of the North may be more susceptible than the faster growing, shorter lived forests of South Africa.
  4. Acid rain erodes buildings and monuments. Acid particles in the air are suspected of contributing to respiratory problems in people.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is Acid Rain

Ahhem hem hem... Basically, the word ACID RAIN is a broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition from the atmosphere containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. It has harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. primarily emissions of Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO) resulting from fossil fuel combustion.

In fact, distilled water which contains no carbon dioxide, has a neutral pH of 7. Liquids with a pH less than 7 are acidic, and those with a pH greater than 7 are bases. “Clean” or unpolluted rain has a slightly acidic pH of about 5.2, because carbon dioxide and water in the air react together to form carbonic acid, a weak acid (pH 5.6 in distilled water), but unpolluted rain also contains other chemicals. Below is an exquation of formation of acid rain.